Nicholas Frost

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Why I'm doing this!

Monday 25th Nov
Hello to anyone browsing my page! Sorry if it seems unprofessional, but I'm fairly new to fund-raising and supporting causes such as this!

However, in light of recent events, geopolitical changes and the state of the world around us its become clear that campaigning for the changes you want to see is more important than ever. With rising rates of femincide, despotic leadership intent on stripping women of their rights and general misogyny on the rise, it's only right to try and raise money to help women access safety that should be fundamental. This stands for any person who identifies as a woman, presents feminine and thusly is subjected to misogyny and those who are also otherised by the gender binary.

As a white, cis-man living in a colonised nation I have experienced very little true bigotry personally, and wish for this to be an open invitation for those who have experienced these things to reach out, share their stories or help participate. I hope this has all made sense, and I appreciate you taking the time to read it!!

Thank you to my sponsors




Lucy Olsen


Giving Tuesday Matched Donation


David Frost


Fenna Beemster



I cannot be more prouder!!!! Keepp up with the good work :)


June Frost

Well done keep walking!


Caroline And Steve Rogers


Isabelle Hall



Love this Nic xx



proud of you x


Em And Tom


Nicholas Frost

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